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Maritime Systems OFFSHORE - Remote Monitoring System

Vibration & Impact Data:

6 Axis / Pitch - Roll - Heave

Vessel Data:

GPS Position / Speed Over Ground

Data Storage:

Continuous / 2 Year Memory

Monitoring Options:

Hull / Critical Components

Maritime Systems OFFSHORE remote monitoring system collects impact data, GPS position and vessel speed. The 2 year memory capacity enables high resolution 6 axis data to be recorded continuously, providing in depth analysis of vessel motions over an extended period. Impact data from the system can be utilised for warranty protection or condition based maintenance of the vessel and critical systems. A helm display can inform the operator in real-time when they are approaching or exceeding structural thresholds.

The Maritime Systems OFFSHORE system is simple to fit and autonomous in operation. Remote sensors can be mounted on the vessel structure or equipment to measure shock and vibration in different locations. Data can be kept onboard, uploaded to a remote server or downloaded for dockside analysis. The system can be linked to the crew and passenger manifest. Automated tracking of the personnel onboard for each voyage provides a personal record of their exposure to shock and vibration.

The Maritime Systems OFFSHORE internet portal provides simple access to all the data. Fleet managers can select a vessel from the calendar to see data from a complete voyage, or adjust the timescale to see high resolution data for a short time period. The course taken by the vessel is displayed on a map, with speed and vibration data on the same view. Data from multiple days and vessels can be overlaid for comparison.

Maritime Systems is a multi-faceted design engineering company that produces its own range of products and provides consultancy support for clients globally. Dyena marine products have been developed in direct response to the maritime industries requirement to monitor levels of shock and vibration that personnel are exposed to during their daily activities on vessels. Maritime Systems devices are designed for easy set up and to provide data in a simple and intuitive format.

Maritime Systems clients include:-

UK Royal Navy, Royal Marines, US Navy, Australian Army, New Zealand Defence Force, Irish Naval Service, Royal Canadian Navy, Sunseeker, Navatek, RNLI, KNRM, BAE Systems, James Fisher Marine Services, Rampion Windfarm, Galloper Windfarm, Wasco Energy, UK Police, Hong Kong Police, US Department of Homeland Security

Contact Details:-

Maritime Systems Ltd - Suite 115, South Western House, Southampton, SO14 3AL, United Kingdom

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