Maritime Autonomous Systems Conference 2019


UK Chamber of Shipping - London 17 & 18 January 2019
The Maritime Autonomous Systems (MAS) conference gave delegates the chance to hear and discuss the key points of interest with regard to the Scoping Exercise and the latest Code of Practice for autonomous surface vessels.
The international group included legislators, high level end-user organisations, technology and industry leaders from the UK, EU, Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, India, Japan, Korea, USA.
The Maritime Safety Committee at the International Maritime Organization (IMO) have now formed the MASS Working and Correspondence Groups who have started their scoping exercise work. The UK MAS Regulatory Working Group (MASRWG) released Version 2 of the UK Code of Practice in November 2018.
Nusrat Ghani - MP, Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Transport
IMO Scoping Exercise
Henrik Tunfors - Chair, IMO MASS Working Group
Technology Progression of Maritime Autonomous Surface Ships
Kevin Daffey - Director Engineering & Technology, Marine, Rolls Royce
UK Code of Practice
Dan Hook - Senior Director, Business Development L3 ASV and Chair UK MAS Council
Vessel standards
Alan Cartwright - Chairman, IMarEST Small Ships Group
Product liability
Robert Veal - Lecturer in Law, University of Southampton
MODERATOR: John Haynes
PANEL: Henrik Tunfors, Kevin Dafffey, Dan Hook, Alan Cartwright and Robert Veal
Maritime Legal considerations
Sean Pribyl - Lawyer, Gard AS P&I Club
Maritime Autonomy: An Overview of UK Policy Development
Dr. David Kenrick - Senior Policy Adviser Maritime Technology, Innovation & Industrial Strategy, Maritime Environment, Technology & Innovation, Department for Transport
Update from Hacker HQ
Mark Harrison - Consultant, Pen Test Partners
PANEL: Sean Pribyl, Dr. David Kenrick, Mark Harrison
Multi-modal autonomy infrastructure
Paul Campion - CEO, Transport Systems Catapult
E Navigation and MASS
Francis Zachariae - Secretary General, IALA
Classification Society approach
Sun Wu - CCS Rules and Technology Centre/Drawing Approval Centre
MASS Insurance afloat and ashore
Britt Pickering & Camilla Slater - Claims and Legal Director and Head of Legal, Shipowners P&I Club
MODERATOR: James Fanshawe.
PANEL: Paul Campion, Francis Zachariae, Sun Wu, Britt Pickering, Camilla Slater
Sarah Kenny - Chief Executive, BMT Group
Update from the Nautical Institute
Captain John Lloyd - CEO, Nautical Institute
Training, Standards & Accreditation
Captain Bob Hone - Plymouth University
Human 4.0 - The ITF perspective
Branko Berlan - ITF
EMSA update
Markku Mylly - Master Mariner/Ex. EMSA Executive Director
MASS on Inland Waterways
Benjamin Boyer - Central Commission for the Navigation of the Rhine (CCNR)
The DARPA and Leidos ACTUV Sea Hunter and Maritime Autonomy
Dr Tim Barton - Maritime Chief Engineer, Leidos USA
MODERATOR: John Haynes
PANEL: John Lloyd, Bob Hone, Branko Berlan, Markku Mylly, Benjamin Boyer, Tim Barton
Thoughts from AMSA
Nick Lemon - Manager Systems Safety at AMSA
Update from Norway / INAS
Ørnulf Jan Rodseth - Norwegian Forum for Autonomous Ships
MASS /UUV / UAV Interaction
Ash Skett - Operations Manager, SEA-KIT
MODERATOR: James Fanshawe
PANEL: Nick Lemon, Ørnulf Jan Rodseth, Ash Skett
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UK Chamber of Shipping
The UK Chamber of Shipping is the trade association and voice for the UK shipping industry, with 140 members from across the maritime sector.
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